Monday 27 August 2012

More musings on Uncle Ron

Ron Paul goes around insisting that Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant and that the North could have bought all the slaves at market rates from the South and freed them and it would still have been cheaper than the Civil War economically, plus no one would have had to die.

Couple of things: Lincoln had not even taken office by the time most of the South had seceded. Is he ruling by tyranny or clairvoyance?

Lincoln was by no means an abolitionist and by no means opposed to slavery; merely the expansion of it.

"I will preserve the Union by freeing all of the slaves; or I will preserve the Union by freeing none of the slaves"

It is true that the total economic cost of the Civil War in terms of material damage and loss of life and production could have both bought off every slave in captivity at 1860 market rates AND provided them with 40 Acres and a mule

Two problems: The Slaveholders weren't sellin'. Under ANY circumstances. At ANY price. No deal.

And where would the money come from? Northern taxpayers. How's THAT for tyranny...

Ron Paul knows all of this, he's not stupid, and yet he chooses to ignore it. Even I have to admit I was taken in by his outward anti-war, anti-expansionist, anti-interventionalist stance.

Ron Paul IS a racist.

He just covers it up very, very well whilst saying absolutely nothing substantive policy wise, appealing to States Rights and collecting gullible disillusioned leftists and college kids who get seduced by his supposedly laissez-faire approach to marijuana and other drugs.

His association with the American (Fascist) Third Position Party makes his game all too clear.

What a Pied Piper act....

Let me know if you ever decide to have one, eh Ron?

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