Saturday 11 May 2013

Benghazi: The Loss of American Life in Context

We've all seen the Memes:

But do the charges stick? And should they?

While many claim to know, hordes of people speculate, large numbers just guess, some deduce, quite a lot genuinely and sincerely think that they know, and just a very a small few of us actually do know what took place on the ground in Libya at the Compound and Security Annex to the US Mission in Benghazi on the night of 9/11/12, a tiny conglomeration of certain basic facts relating to those events can be universally fairly said to be universally agreed upon by all.

Those being, that there were a number of US Government employees engaged in official government business in Benghazi on that night, and during the course of their duties that night, came under some form of violent attack, as a direct result of which, four of them lost their lives unneccessarily.

That, with the additional further caveats added to it that all their lives almost certainly could have been saved and yet somehow weren't and that they weren't saved as a direct result quite obviously of someone or a group of someones not doing their job (for whatever reason) and that the nature of this lapse is being consciously not addressed by high public officials and the mass media is that point at which everyone parts company from one another and begins a pandering to their own world-view prejudice and conciously imposed belief system is self-evident and axiomatic.

Even the job-titles and names of the complete list of the deceit are concsious acts of willful misdirection, half-truths and disinformation by all concerned on both sides of the hearing room and on both ends of the camera lens.

I can tell you (for example) for an abosolute fact, since I know, because we have been explicitly told and had it indpendetly confirmed, confessed to and corroborated, for instance, that Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were absolutely, categorically NOT "Navy SEALs", "Former Navy SEALs", or even "Former Navy SEALs hired as Private Security by the designated State Department Outsourced firm Contracted to Provide Embassy Security" at the Benghazi Consultate.

They were, in fact, active duty CIA Case Officers, amongst an armed Security Team that night of five Case Officers (
out of a total of FIFTY posted to Benghazi, working directly under Ambassador Stevens' instruction, to collect up lend/lease weaponry stockpiles abandoned all across the Libyan countryside and put them beyond use, removed from the theatre of operations while the still-weak and nascent democratic Libyan Central Government establishes iteself) assigned at all times to (remotely) monitor, provide and ensure compound security and protect the life and person of Ambassador Stevens during, while,  and for the duration of his stay visiting Benghazi and doing so (remotely) from the CIA Security Annex to the main compund, a quarter of a mile away and several blocks over from the main walled compound.

It is untrue to say, however, that these men were assigned to protect and guard the Ambassador while he stayed at the Benghazi Consultate that night - due in no small measure to the fact that there was no US Consulate in Benghazi, then or now, and indeed absolutely no permananent or semi-permanant State Department pressence on the ground at the time that night, or any other time following the formal reopening of the US Embassy in Tripoli and transfer of the full diplomatic mission along with all staff back over to the captial city following the end of hostilites marking the close of the Libyan Civil War on September 22nd 2011.

But that's some sematic hopskotch for another time.

Rather, for the purposes of this exercise, we will merely be addressing ourselves to the question of [What the Mainstream/Alternative Media thinks is/is telling you] is the main bone of contention in this instance - specifically,

"There are four unneccessarily dead American citizens here from a single, ostenensibly preventable act of violence inflicted in the course of their normal activities abroad and we are not being told the complete truth: 

Is that a lot, how does it compare historically with other administrations at other times under similar pressures and constraints, what appear to have been their motives, should we really care about this, and if so, how much?"

Or, as Hillary Clinton correctly phrased it:

"What difference does it really make, at this stage?"

A good, and insightful question.

Albeit one that has not yet publically recieved a satisfactory answer, at least not an informed, insightful, intelligent or greatly perceptive one.

So, I think we can do better.

And here we go, starting once more with the Memes and Armchair Oracles of Internet Foreign Policy and Statecraft
(Who,  of course, are the people who really matter in all of this)

Lets ignore all the simmering partisan resentment and not-quite barely concealed personal loathing for the man feeding into the absolute bitterness dripping from every part of speech preloaded into this one and take it's assertions at face value, allowing them the full benefit of the doubt.

Lets say all those things that it says are all objectively true - how does it stack up?

Let's compare next to suitable a historical precedent.

How's this?
"Cowardly Reagan Sacrificed lives of Heroes for Politics (and heroin)

Then turned up at the Memorial Service for all 256 Servicemen Killed by an Act of Terror, Looked into their Families Eyes, Told Them it was Just an Accidnent and Digraced Their Murder by Pretending He Had Nothing to Do With It, Just to Save His Own, worthless, Draft-Dodging, ChickenHawk, HUAC-Snitching, Hostage-Keeping, Terrorist-Financing, Constitution-shredding, Senile Old Carcass and Dodge the Inevitable Impeachment and Jailtime That Would Result Due to the Full Scale of his Appeasement of Foreign Tyrants/High Treason Ever Come Fully to The Knowledge of The American People"

And we're off to a good start.

The day after Arrow Air 1285 went down in Gander, Newfoundland a message delivered to the American Embassy in Cairo claimed responsiblity for the loss of life on behalf of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ).

The Reagan White House (and then later the NTSB) dismissed this claim out of hand, said it wasn't true, and ultimately attributed the loss of the DC-8 along with the lives of all those aboard it in the NTSB's final report instead, to:


The Canadian Federal Aviation Inspectors vehmently disagreed with the findings of the  American report, prompting resignations, ricidule, condemnation, vilification, litigation and then ultimately, the disolution and complete abolition of the Canadian Aviation Safety Board (CASB) resulting directly from the percieved defficiencies in their own final report on the disaster, Canada's most costly to date in human terms.

Schollars of the open and obvious cases of American Political Assassinations carried out using aircraft, including (but in no sense restricted to) those of Senator Paul Wellstone (D), Governor Mel Carnahan (D), Former (and lone-dissenting) Warren Commissioner and House Majority Leader Hale Boggs (D), Congressman Nick Begich Sr. (D), John F. Kennedy Jr. (Definitely D), Chair of the President's Special Review Board to investigate the Iran-Contra Affair, Senator John Tower (R, but his 30 year relationship with George Herbert Walker Bush closely resembled that felt between Ahab and the White Wale, with the feeling being equally mutal) will recall that aviation crashes under US jurisdiction are  investigated with the sole and complete presumption of accidental causation unless the US Attorney General issues a determination of  the crash site as being a potential crime scene

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