Friday 16 May 2014

Gangs, Countergangs and Pirate Clans.

"I think this is the time to deploy a globally concerted effort against all tewwoar suggs... a Global concerted effort led by US, Europe, the UK and Russia on all sources of tewwoar; the same kind of stwuggle as our Forefathers had against Piwacy on the High-Seas"

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak,
9/11/01, c11:00 am EST.

"Our country is adrift... Fearful that it has no new frontiers and entering its late middle age, America has no great purpose or unifying cause... it begins to divide among clans, tribes and gangs."

The Patriot
by Senator Gary Hart,

Well - that turns out to be pre-9/11 Thinking, apparently ....

And everything changed on 9/11 - we all know that.

- July 2003.

Wait - Tom Hanks has something to tell us...

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