Wednesday 3 September 2014

BotWatch - Me and My Case Officer

The Agent assigned to keep tabs on me has recently changed tactics (and faces).

Previously, and most recently, she called herself "Amanda Wild" (not Amanda Huggenkiss, but pretty close), and she used to look like this:

She now looks like this.

Forgive me for thinking I am being profiled, here.

If you haven't already read my critique of legendary researcher (and my personal hero), John Judge, who became duped into becoming champion of the fraudulent "9/11 VicSims Families", I highly recommend it as back-grounding for this kind of psychological warfare operation, and how one can be so easily blinded by the Veil of Tears into propagandising for The Beast;

One whiff of pussy, they had poor John saying that Black was White, and White was black....

Just finally, a quick word as regard to the "ego" aspect implied in the charge of paranoia;

Who am I to warrant such special attention? 

What makes me worth hiring someone to keep an eye on me and actively (as opposed to passively) monitor my online activities?

Why am I worth the budget necessary to spy on me? , when you get down to it - this is a very good and insightful question - my answer, I hope you will concur, is equally insightful.

You have to ask yourself eventually, as I was finally forced to, some four years ago now : Why is someone clearly spending money, and has assigned resources and funds on an ongoing basis to insist that Mark David Chapman is guilty in the Comments Section on YouTube videos...?

That may sound like the stupidest, most outlandish and random question anyone could ever hope to ask, but take 5mins, look for yourself, participate in the discussion, question his guilt and it's clearly true...

The "Why...?" is not as important as the fact that it's clearly happening - the "Why...?" comes later, and that is a more nuanced question to answer - but very obvious once you know some history.

You have to understand the concerns and control-structures of the ultra-rich - Those Who Conisder Themselves the Rightful Heirs to a Global Feifdom, in the Progressive Era, to protect their vast wealth and retain their privilege from fair redistribution amongst the starving masses invented Philantrophy.

At the same time they were concocting and promoting the perverted race science of Eugenics, they also were running a symltaneous Track B. They invented something called Social Work.

Why do the powerful of every nation spend millions and millions of pounds to watch alcoholics...?

Not because they want to treat and cure alcoholism - the truth is, drunks are unpredictable, they might do anything... Go down to Bishopsgate or Fenchurch Street and disrupt business, or head down to The Mall and start cussing out the Queen in the street, startling all the tourists.

Why are heroin addicts never just left and allowed to go Cold Turkey, by far the most healthy thing they could do, and the best use of resources...? You ever hear of a Revolution or a riot amongst Methadone addicts...? 

Social Work is a mechanism of control, and intelligence gathering.

Why, then, would they not be watching what people say online and assigning people to keep tabs on any potential troublemakers...? 

So, to be clear - I am not delusional or self-aggrandising- I am not unique or exceptional in this regard;

I do not warrant particularly special attention.

I just happen to have noticed.

I'll tell this story from the beginning, but to understand that I'm not paranoid and this is real, it's important to start this story in media res, to understand what I'm getting at.

Or, in other words - "Skip to the End".

You have to admire the pure audacity of that as a Hail Mary pass :

"I am real, I just want your friendship, I am real"-BREASTS.

This one's a real closer, you have to give her that...

I always find it interesting that whenever you say certain things, there is no shortage of people and voices that suddenly come out of the woodwork and pretend not to have heard everything that you just said...

Let's go back to the beginning, though...

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