Wednesday 12 July 2017

Subjection and Subjugation

If a person wants to/allows themselves to get worked up into enough of a frenzy to beat you to death (which is the same choice), they will beat you to death whether you resist them or not.

Only they will gain erotic satisfaction and justification from overcoming your resistance, enjoy it, and want to do it again.

The Practical, Spiritual and Effective practice of Non-Violence Discipline in response to Oppression is something We all must master if we are to survive, but one of the hardest disciplines TO master - second only, just below "Love Your Enemy"

But master it We must, so as to be able to teach this particular advanced level Habit of Loving on to others, in order to help them and save each other.

This is why - controversial/offensive/True Statement now imminent - It's not Rape if nobody screams. Or makes every effort and attempt to try to do so, but gets prevented.

Because The Rapist WANTS his victim to scream, cry, fight back and resist.

If that isn't the goal of his advances, if he just wants immediate sex, gratification and erotic relief, yes, that's still a violation and an assault, and should remain a serious felony, but well-intentioned (most of them) feminists have moved the goalposts back so far with regards defining what is and is not Rape (with a capital R), that non-verbal  consent-by-surrender constitutes (at least in most people's minds, at least when applying it to OTHER PEOPLE's behaviour) the very definition of criminal Rape.

And what else is seduction but the conscious pursuit of non-verbal consent-through-surrender....?

I've been thinking more and more recently about the difference in meaning of these two words - Subjection and Subjugation (courtesy of Wonder Woman, oddly enough).

Subjection is where you willingly submit yourself to some other other authority; Subjugation is when you do it to someone else, or other people, through coercion, via the threat or actual use of force.

But there is a third one, a neutral one I  realised I was completely overlooking, which acts as the centred balancing influence in this Trinity of forces, and that's Surrender.

And that's the one we all ought to be aiming for in our daily lives, because, as Tyler teaches us : 




Everything that exists is bound by the laws of its own nature - even Police, believe it or not.

We all know the role of The Police is not to protect the innocent, mete justice or uphold or enforce the criminal law - the role of The Police is to protect property and the rights of property-holders.

We all know this - and yet rarely, if at all, do you find that people having clashes, conflict or any other kind of encounters with Police or affiliated enforcement officials where they are going into the situation either starting off from or applying that understanding to the way the approach their interaction with [Man's] Law Enforcement - instead, they ate often foolish enough to expect Justice, Dignity or Mutual Respect.

The Secret Magick Words, Ultimate Cheat Codes when dealing with Police on any level are (and you have to say them, clearly, and out loud and sincerely mean it when you say it) are "I Surrender."

The Dallas Police Dept. was tasked with assassinating Lee Harvey Oswald , and they COULD NOT DO IT - even though orders were issued verbally to shoot on sight, and they had been told he was cop-killer, Lee (who realised he was being set up to be killed) went to a public place, sat right in the middle of the room, and when 30-40 cops descended on the Texas Theatre and began swarming in every exit, coming at him from all directions, so he was completely surrounded, he calmly stood up in his seat, and in a clear, loud voice began repeating again and again :

"I am not resisting arrest.
I am not resisting arrest."

And surrendered to them, which ended any power They had over him at that point, which meant that the Police COULD NOT kill him.

Because, he invoked their Cheat Codes.

The rule is, can they beat you, brutalise and kill you if you resist them, can they (legally) shoot you dead even if you are attempting to give yourself up?

Yes. Absolutely They can. PROVIDED they are able to reasonably claim they BELIEVE you may still present a THREAT (to not just Them, but to anything - but Private Property, fundamentally).

So, yelling out "I give up.", or "You Win.", or "Stop Shooting! - Truce!"  is not enough, all of those imply some degree of continuing resistance and non-compliance, incomplete and less-than-total submission to their authority, which is what they go into the situation seeking to obtain from you, applying as much duress and coercion as they need to to get you to fall in with them and obey their instructions;

But if instead you say "I Surrender, and will Co-Operate fully in whatever way I can", they have NO  POWER TO DO ANYTHING TO YOU

Pay attention to the words and terms They use to specify what they want from you in any instance : "Cooperate".

To me and you , a that means "Do Exactly What We Order You to Do, When We Tell You to Do It". Or "OBEY".

But what They want is for you to "Cooperate" with them.

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