Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Welcome to Martial Law

Ladies and Gentlemen, We are at War.

And The Government has taken us to Martial Law - The Police can no longer be relied upon to obey The Government.

This is unprecedented on the UK Mainland - they never did the for the IRA, after 9/11 or 7/7.

The Police HATE Theresa May.

This election will be overseen and supervised by The Army.

They have militarised this Election Campaign.

Monday 16 January 2017

Concerning Mercenaries and Other Order-Takers

 Would you ever take a bullet for someone..?
Would you take a bullet for a complete stranger?


To Preserve Life, or in Service to others, as a True Martyr, a Hero and Warrior for Righteousness - 

  • To Defend The Innocent,  
  • To Protect The Weak, or 
  • To Save The Fallen.

Sure. Possibly.

But because that person was paying you...?

Would you ever take a bullet for a Complete Stranger - for money...?

Of course not - no-one would.

" Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous .

And if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe.

For they are disunited, ambitious, and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies

They have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and destruction is deferred only so long as the attack is

For in peace, one is robbed by them, and in war by The Enemy. 

The fact is, they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you

They are ready enough to be your soldiers whilst you do not make war, but if war comes they take themselves off or run from the foe... "

Machiavelli's The Prince (1513)

Chapter III: Concerning Mixed Principalities

But the difficulties occur in a new principality. And firstly, if it be not entirely new, but is, as it were, a member of a state which, taken collectively, may be called composite, the changes arise chiefly from an inherent difficulty which there is in all new principalities; for men change their rulers willingly, hoping to better themselves, and this hope induces them to take up arms against him who rules: wherein they are deceived, because they afterwards find by experience they have gone from bad to worse. This follows also on another natural and common necessity, which always causes a new prince to burden those who have submitted to him with his soldiery and with infinite other hardships which he must put upon his new acquisition.

In this way you have enemies in all those whom you have injured in seizing that principality, and you are not able to keep those friends who put you there because of your not being able to satisfy them in the way they expected, and you cannot take strong measures against them, feeling bound to them. For, although one may be very strong in armed forces, yet in entering a province one has always need of the goodwill of the natives.

For these reasons Louis the Twelfth, King of France, quickly occupied Milan, and as quickly lost it; and to turn him out the first time it only needed Lodovico’s own forces; because those who had opened the gates to him, finding themselves deceived in their hopes of future benefit, would not endure the ill-treatment of the new prince. It is very true that, after acquiring rebellious provinces a second time, they are not so lightly lost afterwards, because the prince, with little reluctance, takes the opportunity of the rebellion to punish the delinquents, to clear out the suspects, and to strengthen himself in the weakest places. Thus to cause France to lose Milan the first time it was enough for the Duke Lodovico[*] to raise insurrections on the borders; but to cause him to lose it a second time it was necessary to bring the whole world against him, and that his armies should be defeated and driven out of Italy; which followed from the causes above mentioned.

[*] Duke Lodovico was Lodovico Moro, a son of Francesco Sforza, who married Beatrice d'Este. He ruled over Milan from 1494 to 1500, and died in 1510.

Nevertheless Milan was taken from France both the first and the second time. The general reasons for the first have been discussed; it remains to name those for the second, and to see what resources he had, and what any one in his situation would have had for maintaining himself more securely in his acquisition than did the King of France.

Now I say that those dominions which, when acquired, are added to an ancient state by him who acquires them, are either of the same country and language, or they are not. When they are, it is easier to hold them, especially when they have not been accustomed to self- government; and to hold them securely it is enough to have destroyed the family of the prince who was ruling them; because the two peoples, preserving in other things the old conditions, and not being unlike in customs, will live quietly together, as one has seen in Brittany, Burgundy, Gascony, and Normandy, which have been bound to France for so long a time: and, although there may be some difference in language, nevertheless the customs are alike, and the people will easily be able to get on amongst themselves. He who has annexed them, if he wishes to hold them, has only to bear in mind two considerations: the one, that the family of their former lord is extinguished; the other, that neither their laws nor their taxes are altered, so that in a very short time they will become entirely one body with the old principality.

But when states are acquired in a country differing in language, customs, or laws, there are difficulties, and good fortune and great energy are needed to hold them, and one of the greatest and most real helps would be that he who has acquired them should go and reside there. This would make his position more secure and durable, as it has made that of the Turk in Greece, who, notwithstanding all the other measures taken by him for holding that state, if he had not settled there, would not have been able to keep it. Because, if one is on the spot, disorders are seen as they spring up, and one can quickly remedy them; but if one is not at hand, they are heard of only when they are great, and then one can no longer remedy them. Besides this, the country is not pillaged by your officials; the subjects are satisfied by prompt recourse to the prince; thus, wishing to be good, they have more cause to love him, and wishing to be otherwise, to fear him. He who would attack that state from the outside must have the utmost caution; as long as the prince resides there it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty.

The other and better course is to send colonies to one or two places, which may be as keys to that state, for it is necessary either to do this or else to keep there a great number of cavalry and infantry. A prince does not spend much on colonies, for with little or no expense he can send them out and keep them there, and he offends a minority only of the citizens from whom he takes lands and houses to give them to the new inhabitants; and those whom he offends, remaining poor and scattered, are never able to injure him; whilst the rest being uninjured are easily kept quiet, and at the same time are anxious not to err for fear it should happen to them as it has to those who have been despoiled. In conclusion, I say that these colonies are not costly, they are more faithful, they injure less, and the injured, as has been said, being poor and scattered, cannot hurt. Upon this, one has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge.

But in maintaining armed men there in place of colonies one spends much more, having to consume on the garrison all the income from the state, so that the acquisition turns into a loss, and many more are exasperated, because the whole state is injured; through the shifting of the garrison up and down all become acquainted with hardship, and all become hostile, and they are enemies who, whilst beaten on their own ground, are yet able to do hurt. 

For every reason, therefore, such guards are as useless as a colony is useful.

Again, the prince who holds a country differing in the above respects ought to make himself the head and defender of his less powerful neighbours, and to weaken the more powerful amongst them, taking care that no foreigner as powerful as himself shall, by any accident, get a footing there; for it will always happen that such a one will be introduced by those who are discontented, either through excess of ambition or through fear, as one has seen already. The Romans were brought into Greece by the Aetolians; and in every other country where they obtained a footing they were brought in by the inhabitants. And the usual course of affairs is that, as soon as a powerful foreigner enters a country, all the subject states are drawn to him, moved by the hatred which they feel against the ruling power. So that in respect to those subject states he has not to take any trouble to gain them over to himself, for the whole of them quickly rally to the state which he has acquired there. He has only to take care that they do not get hold of too much power and too much authority, and then with his own forces, and with their goodwill, he can easily keep down the more powerful of them, so as to remain entirely master in the country. And he who does not properly manage this business will soon lose what he has acquired, and whilst he does hold it he will have endless difficulties and troubles.

The Romans, in the countries which they annexed, observed closely these measures; they sent colonies and maintained friendly relations with[*] the minor powers, without increasing their strength; they kept down the greater, and did not allow any strong foreign powers to gain authority. Greece appears to me sufficient for an example. The Achaeans and Aetolians were kept friendly by them, the kingdom of Macedonia was humbled, Antiochus was driven out; yet the merits of the Achaeans and Aetolians never secured for them permission to increase their power, nor did the persuasions of Philip ever induce the Romans to be his friends without first humbling him, nor did the influence of Antiochus make them agree that he should retain any lordship over the country. Because the Romans did in these instances what all prudent princes ought to do, who have to regard not only present troubles, but also future ones, for which they must prepare with every energy, because, when foreseen, it is easy to remedy them; but if you wait until they approach, the medicine is no longer in time because the malady has become incurable; for it happens in this, as the physicians say it happens in hectic fever, that in the beginning of the malady it is easy to cure but difficult to detect, but in the course of time, not having been either detected or treated in the beginning, it becomes easy to detect but difficult to cure. This it happens in affairs of state, for when the evils that arise have been foreseen (which it is only given to a wise man to see), they can be quickly redressed, but when, through not having been foreseen, they have been permitted to grow in a way that every one can see them, there is no longer a remedy. Therefore, the Romans, foreseeing troubles, dealt with them at once, and, even to avoid a war, would not let them come to a head, for they knew that war is not to be avoided, but is only to be put off to the advantage of others; moreover they wished to fight with Philip and Antiochus in Greece so as not to have to do it in Italy; they could have avoided both, but this they did not wish; nor did that ever please them which is for ever in the mouths of the wise ones of our time:--Let us enjoy the benefits of the time--but rather the benefits of their own valour and prudence, for time drives everything before it, and is able to bring with it good as well as evil, and evil as well as good.

[*] See remark in the introduction on the word “intrattenere.”

But let us turn to France and inquire whether she has done any of the things mentioned. I will speak of Louis[*] (and not of Charles[+]) as the one whose conduct is the better to be observed, he having held possession of Italy for the longest period; and you will see that he has done the opposite to those things which ought to be done to retain a state composed of divers elements.

[*] Louis XII, King of France, “The Father of the People,” born 1462, died 1515.

[+] Charles VIII, King of France, born 1470, died 1498.

King Louis was brought into Italy by the ambition of the Venetians, who desired to obtain half the state of Lombardy by his intervention. I will not blame the course taken by the king, because, wishing to get a foothold in Italy, and having no friends there--seeing rather that every door was shut to him owing to the conduct of Charles--he was forced to accept those friendships which he could get, and he would have succeeded very quickly in his design if in other matters he had not made some mistakes. The king, however, having acquired Lombardy, regained at once the authority which Charles had lost: Genoa yielded; the Florentines became his friends; the Marquess of Mantua, the Duke of Ferrara, the Bentivogli, my lady of Forli, the Lords of Faenza, of Pesaro, of Rimini, of Camerino, of Piombino, the Lucchese, the Pisans, the Sienese--everybody made advances to him to become his friend. Then could the Venetians realize the rashness of the course taken by them, which, in order that they might secure two towns in Lombardy, had made the king master of two-thirds of Italy.

Let any one now consider with that little difficulty the king could have maintained his position in Italy had he observed the rules above laid down, and kept all his friends secure and protected; for although they were numerous they were both weak and timid, some afraid of the Church, some of the Venetians, and thus they would always have been forced to stand in with him, and by their means he could easily have made himself secure against those who remained powerful. But he was no sooner in Milan than he did the contrary by assisting Pope Alexander to occupy the Romagna. It never occurred to him that by this action he was weakening himself, depriving himself of friends and of those who had thrown themselves into his lap, whilst he aggrandized the Church by adding much temporal power to the spiritual, thus giving it greater authority. And having committed this prime error, he was obliged to follow it up, so much so that, to put an end to the ambition of Alexander, and to prevent his becoming the master of Tuscany, he was himself forced to come into Italy.

And as if it were not enough to have aggrandized the Church, and deprived himself of friends, he, wishing to have the kingdom of Naples, divides it with the King of Spain, and where he was the prime arbiter in Italy he takes an associate, so that the ambitious of that country and the malcontents of his own should have somewhere to shelter; and whereas he could have left in the kingdom his own pensioner as king, he drove him out, to put one there who was able to drive him, Louis, out in turn.

The wish to acquire is in truth very natural and common, and men always do so when they can, and for this they will be praised not blamed; but when they cannot do so, yet wish to do so by any means, then there is folly and blame. Therefore, if France could have attacked Naples with her own forces she ought to have done so; if she could not, then she ought not to have divided it. And if the partition which she made with the Venetians in Lombardy was justified by the excuse that by it she got a foothold in Italy, this other partition merited blame, for it had not the excuse of that necessity.

Therefore Louis made these five errors: 

he destroyed the minor powers, 
he increased the strength of one of the greater powers in Italy, 
he brought in a foreign power, 
he did not settle in the country, 
he did not send colonies. 

Which errors, had he lived, were not enough to injure him had he not made a sixth by taking away their dominions from the Venetians; because, had he not aggrandized the Church, nor brought Spain into Italy, it would have been very reasonable and necessary to humble them; but having first taken these steps, he ought never to have consented to their ruin, for they, being powerful, would always have kept off others from designs on Lombardy, to which the Venetians would never have consented except to become masters themselves there; also because the others would not wish to take Lombardy from France in order to give it to the Venetians, and to run counter to both they would not have had the courage.

And if any one should say: “King Louis yielded the Romagna to Alexander and the kingdom to Spain to avoid war", I answer for the reasons given above that a blunder ought never to be perpetrated to avoid war, because it is not to be avoided, but is only deferred to your disadvantage. 

And if another should allege the pledge which the king had given to the Pope that he would assist him in the enterprise, in exchange for the dissolution of his marriage[*] and for the cap to Rouen,[+] to that I reply what I shall write later on concerning the faith of princes, and how it ought to be kept.

[*] Louis XII divorced his wife, Jeanne, daughter of Louis XI, and married in 1499 Anne of Brittany, widow of Charles VIII, in order to retain the Duchy of Brittany for the crown.

[+] The Archbishop of Rouen. He was Georges d'Amboise, created a cardinal by Alexander VI. Born 1460, died 1510.

Thus King Louis lost Lombardy by not having followed any of the conditions observed by those who have taken possession of countries and wished to retain them. Nor is there any miracle in this, but much that is reasonable and quite natural. And on these matters I spoke at Nantes with Rouen, when Valentino, as Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander, was usually called, occupied the Romagna, and on Cardinal Rouen observing to me that the Italians did not understand war, I replied to him that the French did not understand statecraft, meaning that otherwise they would not have allowed the Church to reach such greatness. And in fact is has been seen that the greatness of the Church and of Spain in Italy has been caused by France, and her ruin may be attributed to them. From this a general rule is drawn which never or rarely fails: that he who is the cause of another becoming powerful is ruined; because that predominancy has been brought about either by astuteness or else by force, and both are distrusted by him who has been raised to power.
Machiavelli's The Prince (1513)

Chapter XII: How Many Kinds of Soldiery There are, and Concerning Mercenaries

Having discoursed particularly on the characteristics of such principalities as in the beginning I proposed to discuss, and having considered in some degree the causes of their being good or bad, and having shown the methods by which many have sought to acquire them and to hold them, it now remains for me to discuss generally the means of offence and defence which belong to each of them.

We have seen above how necessary it is for a prince to have his foundations well laid, otherwise it follows of necessity he will go to ruin. The chief foundations of all states, new as well as old or composite, are good laws and good arms; and as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws. I shall leave the laws out of the discussion and shall speak of the arms.

I say, therefore, that the arms with which a prince defends his state are either his own, or they are mercenaries, auxiliaries, or mixed. Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious, and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies; they have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and destruction is deferred only so long as the attack is; for in peace one is robbed by them, and in war by the enemy. The fact is, they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you. They are ready enough to be your soldiers whilst you do not make war, but if war comes they take themselves off or run from the foe; which I should have little trouble to prove, for the ruin of Italy has been caused by nothing else than by resting all her hopes for many years on mercenaries, and although they formerly made some display and appeared valiant amongst themselves, yet when the foreigners came they showed what they were. Thus it was that Charles, King of France, was allowed to seize Italy with chalk in hand;[*] and he who told us that our sins were the cause of it told the truth, but they were not the sins he imagined, but those which I have related. And as they were the sins of princes, it is the princes who have also suffered the penalty.

[*] “With chalk in hand,” “col gesso.” This is one of the bons mots of Alexander VI, and refers to the ease with which Charles VIII seized Italy, implying that it was only necessary for him to send his quartermasters to chalk up the billets for his soldiers to conquer the country. Cf. “The History of Henry VII,” by Lord Bacon: “King Charles had conquered the realm of Naples, and lost it again, in a kind of a felicity of a dream. He passed the whole length of Italy without resistance: so that it was true what Pope Alexander was wont to say: That the Frenchmen came into Italy with chalk in their hands, to mark up their lodgings, rather than with swords to fight.”

I wish to demonstrate further the infelicity of these arms. The mercenary captains are either capable men or they are not; if they are, you cannot trust them, because they always aspire to their own greatness, either by oppressing you, who are their master, or others contrary to your intentions; but if the captain is not skilful, you are ruined in the usual way.

And if it be urged that whoever is armed will act in the same way, whether mercenary or not, I reply that when arms have to be resorted to, either by a prince or a republic, then the prince ought to go in person and perform the duty of a captain; the republic has to send its citizens, and when one is sent who does not turn out satisfactorily, it ought to recall him, and when one is worthy, to hold him by the laws so that he does not leave the command. And experience has shown princes and republics, single-handed, making the greatest progress, and mercenaries doing nothing except damage; and it is more difficult to bring a republic, armed with its own arms, under the sway of one of its citizens than it is to bring one armed with foreign arms. Rome and Sparta stood for many ages armed and free. The Switzers are completely armed and quite free.

Of ancient mercenaries, for example, there are the Carthaginians, who were oppressed by their mercenary soldiers after the first war with the Romans, although the Carthaginians had their own citizens for captains. After the death of Epaminondas, Philip of Macedon was made captain of their soldiers by the Thebans, and after victory he took away their liberty.

Duke Filippo being dead, the Milanese enlisted Francesco Sforza against the Venetians, and he, having overcome the enemy at Caravaggio,[*] allied himself with them to crush the Milanese, his masters. His father, Sforza, having been engaged by Queen Johanna[+] of Naples, left her unprotected, so that she was forced to throw herself into the arms of the King of Aragon, in order to save her kingdom. And if the Venetians and Florentines formerly extended their dominions by these arms, and yet their captains did not make themselves princes, but have defended them, I reply that the Florentines in this case have been favoured by chance, for of the able captains, of whom they might have stood in fear, some have not conquered, some have been opposed, and others have turned their ambitions elsewhere. One who did not conquer was Giovanni Acuto,[%] and since he did not conquer his fidelity cannot be proved; but every one will acknowledge that, had he conquered, the Florentines would have stood at his discretion. Sforza had the Bracceschi always against him, so they watched each other. Francesco turned his ambition to Lombardy; Braccio against the Church and the kingdom of Naples. But let us come to that which happened a short while ago. The Florentines appointed as their captain Pagolo Vitelli, a most prudent man, who from a private position had risen to the greatest renown. If this man had taken Pisa, nobody can deny that it would have been proper for the Florentines to keep in with him, for if he became the soldier of their enemies they had no means of resisting, and if they held to him they must obey him. The Venetians, if their achievements are considered, will be seen to have acted safely and gloriously so long as they sent to war their own men, when with armed gentlemen and plebians they did valiantly. This was before they turned to enterprises on land, but when they began to fight on land they forsook this virtue and followed the custom of Italy. And in the beginning of their expansion on land, through not having much territory, and because of their great reputation, they had not much to fear from their captains; but when they expanded, as under Carmignuola,[#] they had a taste of this mistake; for, having found him a most valiant man (they beat the Duke of Milan under his leadership), and, on the other hand, knowing how lukewarm he was in the war, they feared they would no longer conquer under him, and for this reason they were not willing, nor were they able, to let him go; and so, not to lose again that which they had acquired, they were compelled, in order to secure themselves, to murder him. They had afterwards for their captains Bartolomeo da Bergamo, Roberto da San Severino, the count of Pitigliano,[&] and the like, under whom they had to dread loss and not gain, as happened afterwards at Vaila,[$] where in one battle they lost that which in eight hundred years they had acquired with so much trouble. Because from such arms conquests come but slowly, long delayed and inconsiderable, but the losses sudden and portentous.

[*] Battle of Caravaggio, 15th September 1448.

[+] Johanna II of Naples, the widow of Ladislao, King of Naples.

[%] Giovanni Acuto. An English knight whose name was Sir John Hawkwood. He fought in the English wars in France, and was knighted by Edward III; afterwards he collected a body of troops and went into Italy. These became the famous “White Company.” He took part in many wars, and died in Florence in 1394. He was born about 1320 at Sible Hedingham, a village in Essex. He married Domnia, a daughter of Bernabo Visconti.

[#] Carmignuola. Francesco Bussone, born at Carmagnola about 1390, executed at Venice, 5th May 1432.

[&] Bartolomeo Colleoni of Bergamo; died 1457. Roberto of San Severino; died fighting for Venice against Sigismund, Duke of Austria, in 1487. “Primo capitano in Italia."--Machiavelli. Count of Pitigliano; Nicolo Orsini, born 1442, died 1510.

[$] Battle of Vaila in 1509.

And as with these examples I have reached Italy, which has been ruled for many years by mercenaries, I wish to discuss them more seriously, in order that, having seen their rise and progress, one may be better prepared to counteract them. You must understand that the empire has recently come to be repudiated in Italy, that the Pope has acquired more temporal power, and that Italy has been divided up into more states, for the reason that many of the great cities took up arms against their nobles, who, formerly favoured by the emperor, were oppressing them, whilst the Church was favouring them so as to gain authority in temporal power: in many others their citizens became princes. From this it came to pass that Italy fell partly into the hands of the Church and of republics, and, the Church consisting of priests and the republic of citizens unaccustomed to arms, both commenced to enlist foreigners.

The first who gave renown to this soldiery was Alberigo da Conio,[*] the Romagnian. From the school of this man sprang, among others, Braccio and Sforza, who in their time were the arbiters of Italy. After these came all the other captains who till now have directed the arms of Italy; and the end of all their valour has been, that she has been overrun by Charles, robbed by Louis, ravaged by Ferdinand, and insulted by the Switzers. The principle that has guided them has been, first, to lower the credit of infantry so that they might increase their own. They did this because, subsisting on their pay and without territory, they were unable to support many soldiers, and a few infantry did not give them any authority; so they were led to employ cavalry, with a moderate force of which they were maintained and honoured; and affairs were brought to such a pass that, in an army of twenty thousand soldiers, there were not to be found two thousand foot soldiers. They had, besides this, used every art to lessen fatigue and danger to themselves and their soldiers, not killing in the fray, but taking prisoners and liberating without ransom. They did not attack towns at night, nor did the garrisons of the towns attack encampments at night; they did not surround the camp either with stockade or ditch, nor did they campaign in the winter. All these things were permitted by their military rules, and devised by them to avoid, as I have said, both fatigue and dangers; thus they have brought Italy to slavery and contempt.

[*] Alberigo da Conio. Alberico da Barbiano, Count of Cunio in Romagna. He was the leader of the famous “Company of St George,” composed entirely of Italian soldiers. He died in 1409.

Machiavelli's The Prince (1513)

Chapter XIII: Concerning Auxiliaries, Mixed Soldiery, And One’s Own

Auxiliaries, which are the other useless arm, are employed when a prince is called in with his forces to aid and defend, as was done by Pope Julius in the most recent times; for he, having, in the enterprise against Ferrara, had poor proof of his mercenaries, turned to auxiliaries, and stipulated with Ferdinand, King of Spain,[*] for his assistance with men and arms. These arms may be useful and good in themselves, but for him who calls them in they are always disadvantageous; for losing, one is undone, and winning, one is their captive.

[*] Ferdinand V (F. II of Aragon and Sicily, F. III of Naples), surnamed “The Catholic,” born 1542, died 1516.

And although ancient histories may be full of examples, I do not wish to leave this recent one of Pope Julius the Second, the peril of which cannot fail to be perceived; for he, wishing to get Ferrara, threw himself entirely into the hands of the foreigner. But his good fortune brought about a third event, so that he did not reap the fruit of his rash choice; because, having his auxiliaries routed at Ravenna, and the Switzers having risen and driven out the conquerors (against all expectation, both his and others), it so came to pass that he did not become prisoner to his enemies, they having fled, nor to his auxiliaries, he having conquered by other arms than theirs.

The Florentines, being entirely without arms, sent ten thousand Frenchmen to take Pisa, whereby they ran more danger than at any other time of their troubles.

The Emperor of Constantinople,[*] to oppose his neighbours, sent ten thousand Turks into Greece, who, on the war being finished, were not willing to quit; this was the beginning of the servitude of Greece to the infidels.

[*] Joannes Cantacuzenus, born 1300, died 1383.

Therefore, let him who has no desire to conquer make use of these arms, for they are much more hazardous than mercenaries, because with them the ruin is ready made; they are all united, all yield obedience to others; but with mercenaries, when they have conquered, more time and better opportunities are needed to injure you; they are not all of one community, they are found and paid by you, and a third party, which you have made their head, is not able all at once to assume enough authority to injure you. In conclusion, in mercenaries dastardy is most dangerous; in auxiliaries, valour. The wise prince, therefore, has always avoided these arms and turned to his own; and has been willing rather to lose with them than to conquer with the others, not deeming that a real victory which is gained with the arms of others.

I shall never hesitate to cite Cesare Borgia and his actions. This duke entered the Romagna with auxiliaries, taking there only French soldiers, and with them he captured Imola and Forli; but afterwards, such forces not appearing to him reliable, he turned to mercenaries, discerning less danger in them, and enlisted the Orsini and Vitelli; whom presently, on handling and finding them doubtful, unfaithful, and dangerous, he destroyed and turned to his own men. And the difference between one and the other of these forces can easily be seen when one considers the difference there was in the reputation of the duke, when he had the French, when he had the Orsini and Vitelli, and when he relied on his own soldiers, on whose fidelity he could always count and found it ever increasing; he was never esteemed more highly than when every one saw that he was complete master of his own forces.

I was not intending to go beyond Italian and recent examples, but I am unwilling to leave out Hiero, the Syracusan, he being one of those I have named above. This man, as I have said, made head of the army by the Syracusans, soon found out that a mercenary soldiery, constituted like our Italian condottieri, was of no use; and it appearing to him that he could neither keep them not let them go, he had them all cut to pieces, and afterwards made war with his own forces and not with aliens.

I wish also to recall to memory an instance from the Old Testament applicable to this subject. David offered himself to Saul to fight with Goliath, the Philistine champion, and, to give him courage, Saul armed him with his own weapons; which David rejected as soon as he had them on his back, saying he could make no use of them, and that he wished to meet the enemy with his sling and his knife. In conclusion, the arms of others either fall from your back, or they weigh you down, or they bind you fast.

Charles the Seventh,[*] the father of King Louis the Eleventh,[+] having by good fortune and valour liberated France from the English, recognized the necessity of being armed with forces of his own, and he established in his kingdom ordinances concerning men-at-arms and infantry. Afterwards his son, King Louis, abolished the infantry and began to enlist the Switzers, which mistake, followed by others, is, as is now seen, a source of peril to that kingdom; because, having raised the reputation of the Switzers, he has entirely diminished the value of his own arms, for he has destroyed the infantry altogether; and his men-at-arms he has subordinated to others, for, being as they are so accustomed to fight along with Switzers, it does not appear that they can now conquer without them. Hence it arises that the French cannot stand against the Switzers, and without the Switzers they do not come off well against others. The armies of the French have thus become mixed, partly mercenary and partly national, both of which arms together are much better than mercenaries alone or auxiliaries alone, but much inferior to one’s own forces. And this example proves it, for the kingdom of France would be unconquerable if the ordinance of Charles had been enlarged or maintained.

[*] Charles VII of France, surnamed “The Victorious,” born 1403, died 1461.

[+] Louis XI, son of the above, born 1423, died 1483.

But the scanty wisdom of man, on entering into an affair which looks well at first, cannot discern the poison that is hidden in it, as I have said above of hectic fevers. Therefore, if he who rules a principality cannot recognize evils until they are upon him, he is not truly wise; and this insight is given to few. And if the first disaster to the Roman Empire[*] should be examined, it will be found to have commenced only with the enlisting of the Goths; because from that time the vigour of the Roman Empire began to decline, and all that valour which had raised it passed away to others.

[*] “Many speakers to the House the other night in the debate on the reduction of armaments seemed to show a most lamentable ignorance of the conditions under which the British Empire maintains its existence. When Mr Balfour replied to the allegations that the Roman Empire sank under the weight of its military obligations, he said that this was ‘wholly unhistorical.’ He might well have added that the Roman power was at its zenith when every citizen acknowledged his liability to fight for the State, but that it began to decline as soon as this obligation was no longer recognized."--Pall Mall Gazette, 15th May 1906.

I conclude, therefore, that no principality is secure without having its own forces; on the contrary, it is entirely dependent on good fortune, not having the valour which in adversity would defend it. And it has always been the opinion and judgment of wise men that nothing can be so uncertain or unstable as fame or power not founded on its own strength. And one’s own forces are those which are composed either of subjects, citizens, or dependents; all others are mercenaries or auxiliaries. And the way to make ready one’s own forces will be easily found if the rules suggested by me shall be reflected upon, and if one will consider how Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, and many republics and princes have armed and organized themselves, to which rules I entirely commit myself.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

"The Angels will return; and when you see the one who's meant to help you - you will weep with joy..."

"The Angels Will Return" : The Alice Gross Case, Ritual Murder and the Strategy of Tension from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"The Angels will return; and when you see the one who's meant to help you - you will weep with joy..."

It's a distinctly postmodern phenomenon that in the media charade presented via the mass media whenever now there is a search for a missing child (roughly once every 12 months), the police pretending to investigate it now will always issue statements to the media in press conferences using the personal pronouns "I", and "me", rather than "we" in reference to their so-called efforts in this investigation.

Is this because "we" sounds once again too reminiscent of the collective hive mind of the Brotherhoods...?

We are the Police. Resistance is futile.

That they are not trying, and conspicuously misdirecting outside scrutiny so as to confuse activity with productivity or progress is obvious - during the Yorkshire Ripper series, the floor of Leeds CID had to be reinforced to support the weight of all the paper the investigation had accumulated; here, Police brag in dead-pan fashion about how many tens of thousands of CCTV surveillance tapes they have sat down and reviewed, and the countless manhours wasted on such a pointless exercise. This is how they lie, right -

They said "We have reviewed over 40,000 hrs of CCTV footage from over 150 cameras, that's more hours than were reviewed for the riots of 2010 - but it's a massive, massive task".

It's also completely unnecessary - they know ever she appears in the footage, on what cameras and at what time, and where she stops appearing on them.

So you don't need to look at 40,000 hrs of footage you need to look at probably less than 4.

The average person living in London will appear on CCTV between 70 to 100 times a day.

And whenever anything like this happens, eight they relevant cameras aren't working, or have been switched off.

They know exactly what happened to her - this is all just fluff to divert suspicion away from the knowledge that they actually have the tape and it contradicts their story of a Nasty Immigrant Builder (His NIBS..?) from the East.

This sinister brand of Orientalism is all-pervasive - for the citizens of the former Soviet Union, they may (and do) certainly care a lot to distinguish between a Lithuanian, a Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldovan or Transnistrian, but to the average man in the street in today's Britain, when they hear "Latvian Convicted Murderer", on some level, they hear "Russia".

As for the late, unfortunate patsy, Arnis Zalkalns, many, many things about his pre-packaged back story simply do not add up - again, it may make perfect sense to the British public that "of course" some backward banana republic like Latvia would release a convicted murderer from jail after serving only 7 years of a 12 year sentence, and then give him a passport and not keep track of where he is or what he is up to, but to anyone who grew up inside the former Soviet Union, or any other authoritarian state bureaucracy, the idea of just loosing interest in supposedly violent criminals upon their release is just laughable and insulting all at once - one area of Soviet Society that was NEVER at risk of creeping institutional incompetence was offender management and corrections.

Having made the junket/wild goose chase over to the Baltic State, the Latvian Police ostensibly appear to be conducting themselves with far greater professional integrity than their British counterparts - the line being, he hasn't committed any crimes here, he's not on our radar, we're not concerned about him, and I can't tell you anything further than that about any criminal intelligence we may have on him, since you are not authorised to have it - its confidential.

Implicit also in that answer is the suggestion that had he re-entered Latvia, his passport would have been flagged upon arrival, so why are you here...? And since he has been charged with no crime in Britain and no European Arrest Warrant has been issued, why should we tell you anything.

The Mother of his dead wife provides just the sort of soundbites one would expect from the Mother of a murdered daughter who feels he is to blame - and, understanding the Stasi-esque and ever-present BBC guidelines, we see a recurring trend emerging in their carefully worded statements.

Everyone knows that to receive a murder conviction does not make you a murderer - it does not work like that.

Reality will not cleave to Man-Law - in law, you can be a convicted murderer, but being a murderer in law does not infer that you are a murderer in fact.

The words (and tenses) that the BBC, and to a lesser extent the police use in reference to Arnis' conviction for the murder of his wife raise more questions than they purport to answer from only a superficial reading - they steer noticably clear from such declarative statements as "He is a convicted murderer"; rather, they use the form "he HAS a murder conviction", "he WAS convicted of murder", "he RECEIVED a murder conviction"....

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Alice Gross

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

"The Angels will return; and when you see the one who's meant to help you - you will weep with joy..."

It's a distinctly postmodern phenomenon that in the media charade presented via the mass media whenever now there is a search for a missing child (roughly once every 12 months), the police pretending to investigate it now will always issue statements to the media in press conferences using the personal pronouns "I", and "me", rather than "we" in reference to their so-called efforts in this investigation.

Is this because "we" sounds once again too reminiscent of the collective hive mind of the Brotherhoods...?

We are Police. 

Clear the Area - Nothing to see here.

Disperse, citizens.

Resistance is futile.

That they are not trying, and conspicuously misdirecting outside scrutiny so as to confuse activity with productivity or progress is obvious - during the Yorkshire Ripper series, the floor of Leeds CID had to be reinforced to support the weight of all the paper the investigation had accumulated; here, Police brag in dead-pan fashion about how many tens of thousands of CCTV surveillance tapes they have sat down and reviewed, and the countless manhours wasted on such a pointless exercise. This is how they lie, right -

They say "We have reviewed over 40,000 hrs of CCTV footage from over 150 cameras, that's more hours than were reviewed for the riots of 2010 - but it's a massive, massive task".

It's also completely unnecessary - they know ever she appears in the footage, on what cameras and at what time, and where she stops appearing on them.

So you don't need to look at 40,000 hrs of footage you need to look at probably less than 4, and just follow the time stamped footage through each set of cameras in sequence until you either see what happened to her (likely), or, you know within a very narrow window in time and a tightly defined area of space where and when whatever happened to her occurred (much less likely, but realistically plausible, at a stretch) and work proceed forward with enquiries from there on that basis.

Again - they may be Coppers, but they're not so stupid as they clearly expect the rest of us to be - they know how to do what they should be doing, like clockwork and by rote, it's drummed into them as cadets at Hendon so thoroughly, they could do this stuff without thinking, underwater and in their sleep (and really, who could tell the difference if they were at this point?)

They know, understand, eat, sleep, shit and breathe everything that they should do in this situation, and under these circumstances, instinctively and without conscious thought - and they haven't been doing any of them.

That genre of crime drama is called the "Police Proceedural" for good reason - if there is one thing the cop mind is totally adept and attuned to, by way of rigorous mental and physical conditional and incessant, non-stop drilling and repitition, it's procedure, and box-ticking in rigorously reinforced, strict, swift sequential order.

And after establishing that a crime has likely taken place establishing the identities of any parties who may have been witness to said crime, or present when it occurred, isolating the parties from one another to reduce the likelihood of any confabulation or mutual contamination of witness statements, the absolute FIRST order of business is to secure the crime scene or suspected crime scene and all likely routes of ingress or egress from that spot, clear the immediate vicinity and area of any bystanders and other members of the public, cordon off the area space that has just been cleared using tape, request the assistance of the forensic scene of crime technicial division and stand watch over the taped off area to preserve the crime scene as intact as possible, pending their arrival.

And since half the drama shows on television are (in some sense) cop-shows, (even Baywatch), even if it's just superficially veiled as something else, absolutely EVERYONE within the wider society knows and understands, even just subconsciously, what you do and in what order, when, in order to secure and preserve a crime scene and get statements from every potential witness/suspect (and you have to assume they might be a suspect, promptly, down on paper (and cassette tape too, if formal questioning is warranted), in the quickest possible span of time. Then you can begin to build up a suspect list, beginning always with the family, step-family, and any other co-habiting members of the household, especially where a crime of any kind of violent or sexual character, suicide or a run away is suspected or feared (and you have to presume that to be the case unless or until good cause is present to conclude that might not be the case since the person making the complaint, requesting the police or the first statement that you take is overwhelmingly likely to be either the person that did it, or related to, or cohabiting with the person who did, and if they are able to pull themselves together sufficiently to lie about any knowledge or involvement, then the first, adrenaline-spiked explanatory lies establishing the their false narrative are the least likely to tally or coincide with their later, defensive lies intended to defend and buttress their previously established position - the earliest statements relating their version of events should, if truthful, of course, jibe best with what is known or can be firmly established later in the investigation from other sources, since they will be relating an experience that just happened to them, as opposed to trying to reconstruct a (possibly violent) memory from a distance and in retrospect, and have it make sense to them.

They have instead gone, not just to extra-ordinary lengths, it seems to not do any of that properly, or at least rigorously and proceede on that basis, but rather, they have gone to truly excessive and farcical degrees of proceedural dick-measuring feats to impress the dimwitted and unengaged, make it look as though they are trying, rrrrrreeeeallly really hard to crack the case, but it really is just so terribly difficult and hard, and they have absolutely nothing to go on, no solid leads to follow up, whilst in reality, it's perfectly clear, firstly that they're absolutely not trying, and on purpose, and secondly, that enormous effort, expense and manpower is being applied on all fronts to give maximum creedance and credibility to the plainly false notion that they are actually trying to solve the case and make serious arrests, whilst spinning for England at every regularly arranged press conference.

This isn't hard, it's a science (or a skill.... Craft..?) honed to perfection over about eight centuries, rigorously implemented (under supervision of colleagues and superiors alike), and again, I stress this drilled and drilled and drilled and absolutely second nature to anyone wearing the uniform that doesn't strip for cash on Stag Nights. And quite a few others that do.

We haven't yet heard the cry go up - "Unfortunately, the camera in question, that particular camera, was faulty during that 20 minute period, was malfunctioning that day, so we have been unable to recover any usable footage showing the scene of the crime when the crime was actually taking place." - but it will be coming, I suspect they may feel the need to hold back with that one and keep in in reserve for now, but it will be offered up to us once their backs are a little more to the wall....

Most people in Britain are at least dimly aware of the "failure" of all 17 of a series of traffic cameras (far more robust, resilient and finer quality of coverage in all-weathers than the cameras privately bought or leased by private businesses or citizens, incorporated within the integrated security system fitted to protect their property commercial premises or property), in sequence, lining the route from the rear exit of the Paris Ritz to the Pont d'alma Tunnel along the Seine.

But it's increasingly clear that still greater numbers are conscious of the total absence of any CCTV footage whatsoever that would substantiate the pressence at, near or en route to the alleged bombing locations of any of all-but-one of the alleged, so-called "Suicidal Home-Grown Terrorist Martyrs" of July 7th 2005, or indeed anywhere on the Tube network or Kings Cross Thameslink, OR on or near the bus that purportedly blew up in front of the Tavistock Incident, or within anywhere closer than half a mile away, 30 or 40 minutes prior to said event.

Not on any of the three (actually five, probably more) affected trains (the Edgware Road detonation can clearly be seen to have inflicted severe damage to a passing train travelling in the opposite direction through the tunnel on the scant "crime scene video" footage presented to the inquest of 2010, and this incident was initially described by the Deputy Police Commissioner of the Metropolitain Police in a live, unscripted and unchaperoned impromptu Press Conference convened mid-morning on the day of 7/7 as causing serious damage and promoting the evacuation of THREE trains, as well as blasting a hole straight through the tunnel wall and into one or more other trains in adjacent tunnel - this makes no sense and matches nothing seen on the video, making as it does still even less sense, due to the fact that 

a) The Commissioner specifically stated that this explosion occurred while the Edgeware Road bomb-train was either at rest in, or pulling out of the station, yet both trains and damaged sections of tunnel wall filmed at the scene later on that day are completely clear of the Station platform, well-inside the tunnel.

b) both of the trains, travelling in either direction, along either track, share the same tunnel, without any kind of wall or partition to separate the two tracks which might have had a section of wall blown through to affect the other train, since the wall isn't there to supply the debris.

Mind you, he also spoke firmly and categorically of a confirmed explosion as having occurred on a Northern Line train in "the vicinity or area of Moorgate, Aldgate, Aldgate East", which doesn't conform to almost anything else we know about what occurred or may have occurred, where, when or in what order on that day, do this appears to have been consciously false reporting of an incident that didn't occur to a naive participant they didn't like very much for the purposes of increasing confusion and creating further uncertainty to enhance the Fog of War and further conceal and haze over authentic blunders, mistakes and missteps in the execution of the actual operational plan for 7/7 (and they clearly did happen, they did make mistakes and screw up key parts of the false narrative they were laying down that just didn't fit of fit into the operational template for their scheme, and BITS of a few of them, exposing the more heinous of the cock-ups they inflicted on their own bungled Psy-op clearly DID surface, both on the day and subsequently in various places where they appeared to stick out like a sore thumb from would OUGHT to have been going on at that point if the  whole scheme was indeed planned and carried out by ruthless,  cold blooded, criminal masterminds of espionage (or rather not by Public sector Officers that have committed to lifelong service employed within the Westminster Bubble, British career civil servants on a tight budget, feeling the squeeze....

But anyway - we have all the unimportant CCTV coverage (in this case, deliberately hazed down and optically degraded to make both "Alice" and "Arnas" (if indeed those are in fact those two people, about which I have massive doubts and reservations as to the identity match they claim they were able to achieve with the Local Eastern European Immigrant Worker with Previous they were able to magic up from their Usual Suspects - Potential Patsy file, from the sound of how they were able to arrive at that astonishing investigative leap of faith and logic....)

I mean, frankly - it's almost as if they just had his name and address on file, sitting in "Pending", or flagged up and held in reserve from the moment the Latvian Authorities informed them he had moved to the area and taken up residence, with a game plan already in hand, ready to pounce and just pin something on him once a particularly awkward case presented itself on the Station docket and needed to be cleared but sharpish and made to go away with a minimum of fuss, awkward questions or outside scrutiny - they just neglected to confirm for themselves or establish definitively to their own satisfaction that he was actually guilty of the previous homicide for which he had been convicted for years earlier in another country before gained a remarkably early release, shaving off over half his original sentence (which had been on the fairly short side for that offence, to begin with....) 

18 years for premeditated murder, out in 7, citing good behaviour and his exemplary prison record smacks of something much more involved that first meets the eye, lurking behind the sensational strap lines about his violent record in a notoriously bent and corrupt part of the world, with an active and quite brazen criminal underworld that operated (for much of the 90s and early 2000s, immediately post-Yeltsin we know for sure) was entirely beyond the ability of the tiny Baltic State's power to reign in.... 

Who knows what happened to his wife in the mid-90s...? Sound to me, much more as though it may have been a professional hit, even....

But whatever is the case - the best they can do is to place someone who is essentially unrecognisable, riding a bike, on one camera (amongst dozens), within 15 mins of someone PRESUMED to be Alice, crossing the canal at the same crossing, at a point on her walking route, pretty well the furthest away possible from either her home, or the point (here) where she crossed the canal and reversed course to head for home, and the point where she was known by this stage to have dropped from view (they say) of any cameras, which is dubious in and of itself - anyone familiar with East, West or North London, particularly Camden, Hackney, or any other areas well-served by the Grand Union Canal or others will be accutely aware, firstly that they themselves have been, particularly in recent years, magents for urban renewal, new development projects, a high density of luxury high-end new-build apartment blocks, as seen in images and videos of the area in question all over the news - going hand in glove with all that urban renewal has been the urban renewal and upgrading of all the towpaths and pedestrian rights of way, clearing foliage,  opening up of the whole vista, widening and resurfacing of the footpaths, improved access, 24 hour floodlighting and measures to encourage pedestrian foot traffic, cyclists, runners and dog-walkers, to reverse completely their previous status and well-deserved reputation as being a mugger's paradise, with hidden nooks, alcoves underneath bridges and hidden exits and escape routes back into adjacent streets, back yards, parks and areas of rough land....

And absolutely, wall-to-wall, 24 hr BLANKET CCTV coverage of the entire path, from end to end, even (and especially) for those stretches not overlooked by adjacent apartment blocks on either side, more often than not, from not only bedroom windows, but also balconies.

It's extremely difficult to believe that they didn't have the footage showing what happened to her, and where she was taken within the first 6-12hrs of the commencement of a missing persons investigation, at the absolute most... 

The average person living in London will appear on CCTV between 70 to 100 times a day.

And whenever anything like this happens, all the relevant cameras aren't working, or have been switched off.

They know exactly what happened to her - this is all just fluff to divert suspicion away from the knowledge that they actually have the tape and it contradicts their story of a Nasty Immigrant Builder (His NIBS..?) from the East.

This sinister brand of Orientalism is all-pervasive - for the citizens of the former Soviet Union, they may (and do) certainly care a lot to distinguish between a Lithuanian, a Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldovan or Transnistrian, but to the average man in the street in today's Britain, when they hear "Latvian Convicted Murderer", on some level, they hear "Russia".

Do the Innocent run? 

Yes. All the time.

Only with a reasonable expectation of justice and mercy, joined together with self-knowledge of innocence can innocent men be expected not to run.

We have no such reasonable guarantee.

"Under North Carolina v. Alford, 400 U.S. 25 (1970), a court may accept a guilty plea from a defendant who maintains his innocence, provided the court finds an adequate factual basis for the plea of guilty. Typically, a criminal defendant will utilize an Alford plea when he "intelligently concludes that his interests require entry of a guilty plea" in light of strong evidence of actual guilt with the intention of limiting the penalty to be imposed." 
- Arkansas Supreme Court (2006)

That's a Sarcen Stone.

And it's PRECISELY here:

6 Days ago, they cordoned the whole area off, having discovered what looked like a shallow grave, with fresh earth.

5 Days ago they said "False Alarm, the dogs were all wrong, there was absolutely nothing there - badgers."

This morning, they pulled her out the river.

Which tells me - the Police are systematically destroying the evidence and moved the body.

This fits a pattern - they did this with Soham, they did this with Tia Sharp two years ago.

They moved the body while they set up the patsy.

They are loudly naming the person responsible - they never do that, they always just put out a description, that jeopardises a fair trial, which is of course why they have done it.

They are trying to pin it on some hapless Latvian.

This is human sacrifice. Again.

"An area in Elthorne Park close to the canal towpath where Alice was last sighted has today been declared to be of 'no relevance' in the investigation into the school girl's disappearance."

They don't ever use terms like "of no relevance" when they are looking for a corpse - the corpse of a missing child.

They were not trying...

They're trying really hard (too hard) to deny it's significant, and so clearly it is.

And there is no possible way that the corpse was lost (decomposing) for an entire month.

Not a quarter mile or less from where she vanished.

Not with the dogs.

"Bloody Croft alludes to a small former common field called Blood Croft. This used to lay between the present day golf links to the west, the Greenford Avenue to the east, and partly covered by the northern half of present day Grove Avenue, which itself is 1.5 km to the nor-nor west of the burial site. 

Since ancient times, pigs were let loose into the woods that once stood upon Cuckoo Hill, to feed upon the acorns and roots therein. This practice even gets recorded in the Domesday Book entry for Hanwell. Therefore, the name may just allude to the place, where they then got slaughtered during the Saxon lunar blood month, which falls around November. Blotmonað: blot blood or a sacrifice, monað month.

The English Place-Name Society found in its search of the Hanwell records, an earlier name for the field which was Blood Cut Meadow. Their only comment is "possibly 'land on which veterinary phlebotomy was practised.'"

Watch the numbers, here : 

"The Met said that the hunt for Alice was their biggest search operation since the 7/7 terror attacks in London in 2005. They had been searching along the River Brent since last week.

What searching did they do on 7/7?
Supposedly, four dudes blew themselves up - end of.

They did do searching on 21/7 (7/21), when the "Chipatti Bombers" launched their attacks, and Jean-Charles DeMenezes was executed.

7 is the perfect Masonic number.

No Lodge can be duly constituted with fewer than 7 entered apprentices, since that is the minimum number of Brother Masons required to carry out the induction rituals.

Police had been desperate to find any clues in their hunt for Alice including her personal belongings such as her mobile phone but had drawn a blank.

Someone turned her phone off before dragging her off the tow-path (if this is true).

Moreover, many, if not most models of phone continue to report their GeoLocation, even when nominally switched off, and can be remotely pinged by networks or the authorities.

And we know she had an iPhone :

As I often noted during the MH370 farce - you can't lose a plane full of iPhones.

That's impossible.

So, that didn't happen.

A large section of the Grand Union canal was cordoned off last week after police found a disturbed patch of earth which they said was of “interest."

Again, the fork-tongued press is lying here, or at very least mis-stating the facts:

This is not a section of the canal path.

This is the park.

Why this misdirection?

However, it was later revealed that it was a false alarm.

They haven't explained how they know that.

At one point pollice sniffer dogs used in searches for both Madeleine McCann and April Jones joined the hunt.

Like taking Anti-terrorism training from the Israelis - they call in the expert, world-class failures to help with the search.

If you are on the receiving end of terrorism, you don't take counter-terrorism advice from the Israeli Police and Security Services, you read Malcolm X, study the Black Panthers and build your own organisations.

The McCann Case, we all know, was deep-sixed from the first, but even just for the sake of keeping up appearances, surely you don't bring in the "specialist help" from the most notoriously stymied child snatching case in post-War European history - these people and this team of dogs  are failures and we are meant to be impressed by the drafting-in of failures, a variation on the "No True Scotsman" brand of Police logic.

600 officers from eight forces were involved in the hunt for Alice, painstakingly searching nine square miles of open land and 3.4 miles of canals and river.

A reward of up to £20,000 had been offered for anyone with information that lead detectives to find the schoolgirl."

Let's track this : 600, 8, 9, 3, 4, 20000.

The number 3 signifies the Holy Trinity.

The number 4 signifies the Tetragrammaton, the "True Name of God" (the Demiurge), or YHWH.

I don't understand - Cameron is not a policeman. He is not a trained forensic pathologist.

How is that his job? How can he possibly help reveal, rather than conceal the truth with the full power of The State?

Well - it wasn't Lord Salisbury's job to take an interest in ripped whores in the East End, either....

I Quote The Enemy:

"Tracy Chevalier wrote a historical novel, also entitled Girl with a Pearl Earring (1999), fictionalizing the circumstances of the painting's creation. 

In the novel, Johannes Vermeer becomes close with a fictional servant named Griet (based on Chevalier's close friend Georgia Kendall), whom he hires as an assistant and has sat for him as a painting model while wearing his wife's pearl earrings.

The novel inspired a 2003 film and 2008 play of the same name. The 2003 film stars Scarlett Johansson as the girl with the pearl earring, Griet. Johansson was nominated for various awards including a Golden Globe Award and a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.

The painting also appears in the 2007 film St Trinian's, when a group of unruly schoolgirls steal it to raise funds to save their school."

Who was in that film? Let's see -

Ah, yes - Stephen Spy.

... And Russell "Wot a c*nt" Brand.

Note the Pink Floyd/Geldof crossed-hammers fascist logo in the top right from The Wall.

Director Alan Parker relates that for the scene of Bob Geldof's fascist rally in Earls Court, the production hired several hundred real NF skinheads as extras (who they paid) and to his horror realised that many of them were returning after lunch or for the second day of filming with the Crossed-Hammers logo shaved into the backs of their heads. 

It still shows up as tattoos.

He of course would claim that it's a West Ham Utd. thing.

You make up your own mind.

As for the late, unfortunate patsy, Arnis Zalkalns, many, many things about his pre-packaged back story simply do not add up - again, it may make perfect sense to the British public that "of course" some backward banana republic like Latvia would release a convicted murderer from jail after serving only 7 years of a 12 year sentence, and then give him a passport and not keep track of where he is or what he is up to, but to anyone who grew up inside the former Soviet Union, or any other authoritarian state bureaucracy, the idea of just loosing interest in supposedly violent criminals upon their release is just laughable and insulting all at once - one area of Soviet Society that was NEVER at risk of creeping institutional incompetence was offender management and corrections.

Having made the junket/wild goose chase over to the Baltic State, the Latvian Police ostensibly appear to be conducting themselves with far greater professional integrity than their British counterparts - the line being, he hasn't committed any crimes here, he's not on our radar, we're not concerned about him, and I can't tell you anything further than that about any criminal intelligence we may have on him, since you are not authorised to have it - its confidential.

Implicit also in that answer is the suggestion that had he re-entered Latvia, his passport would have been flagged upon arrival, so why are you here...? And since he has been charged with no crime in Britain and no European Arrest Warrant has been issued, why should we tell you anything.

The Mother of his dead wife provides just the sort of soundbites one would expect from the Mother of a murdered daughter who feels he is to blame - and, understanding the Stasi-esque and ever-present BBC guidelines, we see a recurring trend emerging in their carefully worded statements.

Everyone knows that to receive a murder conviction does not make you a murderer - it does not work like that.

Reality will not cleave to Man-Law, and men are flawed, imperfect and to make mistakes and to do wrong is in our nature, hard-wired in - in law, you can be a convicted murderer, but being a murderer in law does not infer that you are a murderer in fact.

The words (and tenses) that the BBC, and to a lesser extent the police use in reference to Arnis' conviction for the murder of his wife raise more questions than they purport to answer from only a superficial reading - they steer noticably clear from such declarative statements as "He is a convicted murderer"; rather, they use the form "he HAS a murder conviction", "he WAS convicted of murder", "he RECEIVED a murder conviction"....

The institutional history, culture, purpose and associated pathologies and prejudices make it very different, polar opposite in a great sense from other branches of the mass media in terms of it's THINKING and basic assumptions, if not it's conclusions. Whilst the commercial print media, finding it's most militant cadre in the Red Tops thrives on conflict and polarising controversy fueled by the lowest common denominator appeals to the most base, reptilian-cortex drives (some matrix of artificially stimulated fear, aggression, fucking and greed - emotional onananism), where facts get in the way of telling a "good" (most emotively provocative) story, the flabbier round the edges the better, the BBC, ever the epitome of the bureaucratic, neurotic, borderline autistic branch of the Civil Service it continues still to delude itself to this day that it actually isn't, is instead well-lawyered, linguistically and syntactically pedantic and legalistically precise in what it say, how it says it, and how fair it sounds as if it is being while saying it (note my use of the "as if" qualifyer in that last sentence, and you will understand precisely what I mean).

Like every school, local council and hospital in the country, the BBC is obsessively concerned and totally preoccupied in everything it does and says of any possible risk of getting sued. Even frivolously, by crazy people, golddiggers, ambulance-chasers, and people who are just plain wrong.

Something which made it a fertile soil and excessively amenable to and accepting of the deconstructionist thinking of the self-styled postmodernist school of philosophical thought;

I stress "self-styled", or "so-called", because this way of thinking and addressing concepts is not modern, it certainly doesn't follow after or proceed from modern thinking, it isn't a school, has no philosophy and is actively hostile to thought.

Postmodernism is a school of thought only in the sense that an actual school is a large, well-staffed brick box in which to store small children in during much of the day to prevent them from wandering off, exploring, having unique and unexpected novel experiences as a result of that and keep them closely confined within a tightly confined and proscribed space for the duration of their absence from home and parents, in a sort of bland, homogenised, human stable, or pig-pen, where a series of bored strangers will indoctrinate them with various clichés through repitition and rote. With chalk.

Postmodernism, again, like an actual school, has an unspoken bedrock taboo of institutionalised child molestation, and networks of organised paedophilia coarsing through it from deep below it's bland exterior, and it depends upon the social cloaking function of the taboo to ensure and support it's continued existence and accepted function and authority in the wider society, who doesn't see it it, can't conceived of it or just doesn't want to know and so never asks.

It is perhaps for this reason, more than any other single reason, or combination of reasons, that Postmodernist activists (I cannot say "thinkers") seek primarily not only to reinforce and strengthen all the existing, recognised and sincerely felt and held taboos present within any given society, but instead to actually proactively (and very aggressively), create, promote, polarise and then ultimately to stigmatise and eventually exclude from all popular conscious a whole array of entirely new Taboos, constructed from the ground up until they are existing in-place, Kabbalistically raised up into being, where none had existed previously; and then, by so-doing, create factionalism where no factions were to be found before, sectarianism from wholly synthetic and artificial sects that they themselves have just created out of a prior state of broad, cosmopolitan unity and to then sow the seeds of future conflict and reservoirs for all resentments and regress into tribalism by engaging in a continual process of excessive labelling and identification of any and all differences between people.

And then it becomes Child's Play to induce a constant, self-defeating state of perpetual animus by splitting them up as much as possible into the most reductionist, tiny little special-interest flag-waving demographic boxes, and then inflicting upon them the most mutually self-defeating externally-imposed coalitions, guaranteed to lock it's members and participants into a permanently insoluble and irreconcilable clash of agendas, goals, needs and priorities, which they themselves will actively embrace and accept in the hopelessly deluded understanding that what they are actually embracing represents solidarity, emboldened their strength and further extends their influence; whereas what it actually imposes a guarantee of continual betrayal, weakness and irresolution, that leads to their ever increasing irrelevance, exclusion and alienation.

What do I mean by this?

Every job application form must be accompanied (by law) by a voluntary equal opportunities monitoring  declaration, so as to ensure non-discriminatory hiring practices and racially profile the unemployed.

The stated aim is to ensure that hiring decisions are purely meritorious and completely devoid of prejudice, with the ultimate noble goal of eliminating completely from the workplace the vile spectre of sexism, racism, ageism, heightism, lookism, phalocentrism, imperialism, neoinperialism, anti-Mormonism, Islamophobia, Judeophobia, Anti-Semtisim, borealocentrism, Gaulism, isolationism....

It is all-out low-intensity Jihad upon all the -ism, wherever they may be, offering no safe harbour, no quarter given, until the Earth is cleansed of the scourge of all -isms.

But not Capitalism, obviously. That goes without saying.

We knew how to deal with the likes of your sort when we were at war with the forces of International Communism...

[has anyone ever previously questioned the fact that though there is Islamophobia and there is Islamism, Judeophobia is (dishonestly, and inaccurately) called instead Anti-Semitism, and we are meant to accept as axiomatically true that even the idea of Judaicism is just conceptually paradoxical - the messaging - and why isn't it it Anti-Islamism (rather than Judeophobia), anyway? - here is pretty clear, it basically comes down eventually to this basic propostion - you decide for yourself if this was done by accident or design : 

We are being told (in somewhat subtle, but plainly stark terms), the following is axiomatic and self-evidentially true in all but the rarest of cases, exceptions that must surely prove the rule:

1) Whilst all Muslims are firmly religious, not all Jews are religious, and indeed Jewish Identity and Jewishness is not primarily rooted in faith or religious conviction grown up out of the remarkably fertile ground to be had at the summit of Mount Sinai, but rather instead is a question of community (rather than race or ethnicity), since in fact most Jews are secular and well-assimilated, their Jewishness is instead a function of "tradition" and "culture" ("Whenever I hear the world 'culture', I reach for my revolver" - Hermann Goering) in the diaspora - a highly reactionary, explictly atheistic Blood and Soil arguement that allied itself with the forces of Imperialism, and which compensated (and still continues to do so to this day) for an initial striking absence any of Soil with an absolutely appalling deluge of Blood (largely other people), as a sacramental offering made to a god they profess not recognise, honour or profess true faith to, for giving freely to them something they had themselves just acquired by thievery, genocide, trickery, rapine, blackmail and murder for the SECOND time in recorded history, this time in directly contrary to their last set of instructions relayed to them from their deity, promising that he would himself deliver to them the land again, when, and only when, their lot of Attonement for having been kicked our the previous time was repaid in full. And not before, and until then, stay put and think about what your forefathers had done... So, basically,

2) Consistent with Herzel's atheistic, self-pitying nihilism (this tells us), the whole world hates/fears/resents/despises/oppresses The Jews, without exception, as a natural law or constant in human behaviour, provoked by the mere pressence of a Jew in the room, or a Jewish Ghetto in any city or society, irrespective of the particular conditions or prevailing social attitudes existing in that society, irrespective of the level of observance, piety, religious militancy, social activity or level of assimilation of the Jews in that country, that this tendency of mistrust and resentment in history was NATURAL, and INNATE in Gentiles, but this was in no way their choice or fault, the program was hard-wired into Gentile behaviour in the womb, and what is more, this fact indeed is in fact the Jewish People's FAULT, know how much everyone hates them, they should know better than to set up shop (in every sense) in somebody else's country rather than just clearing off and finding an empty one of their own in a desert or swamp somewhere. (But this has nothing to do with God, curses, covenants or the like)

Convictions can be (Thank God), and are overturned all the time, either on appeal or as a result of some form of executive clemency.

Mistakes (accidental or by design) are made, and more often than not create enormous problems and a source of considerable embarrassment and expense to the constituted authorities when they must be rectified - authority, as Machiaveli  reminds us, must never lose face or risk losing it's authority.

But likewise, he further reminds us that a mistake only ever becomes an error if one does not act to correct it - if "the system works" by catching and rectifying earlier mistakes or missteps of the justice system, any benefit gained by satisfying and resolving those missteps does little to offset the considerable loss of face it produces but exposing it's previous blunders and injustices and airing old and forgotten examples of it's previous inefficiency, corruption and incompetence once more and to the public - consequently, these questions, wherever they arise, tend to be resolved as discreetly and quietly as can be. 

In other words, when the wrong man has been locked up for years, they generally do a deal to make the problem go away.

Two recent examples of this are the conviction, imprisonment and subsequent release and repatriation (behind the backs of the Scottish Government, who were not trusted to go along with it, or not to leak it by Whitehall) of Abelset al-Megrahi, the completely innocent former agent of the Libyan Secret Service jailed after a public show-trial for the bombing of Pan-Am 103 over Lockerbie; it's also highly likely that MI5 poisoned him somehow in prison, hoping he was expire of "natural causes" with terminal, galloping cancer (of the Jack Rubenstein variety) before his pending judicial appeal, and the Libyan people quite rightly hailed him upon his return as both a national hero and living martyr for the remainder of his life.

Likewise, the so-called Robin Hood Murders of May 1993 are still (officially) a solved and closed tripple child murder case from the point of view of the State of Arkansas, even though the true killer is well-known to thousands worldwide and has never been charged, and remains at liberty today - with a survival narrative that Ellie Weisel would have given his eye teeth for, local neighbourhood Goth and student of Thelema, Damian Echols clawed his way back from a triple death sentence conviction for capital murder, along with his childhood friend Jason Baldwin and junior highschool classmate Jessie Lloyd Misskelly Jr. following the discovery of exculpatory DNA evidence pinning the crimes solidly on the true perpetrator (and yes, the person who did the killing was a family member). Realising that legally and morally, they had not a leg to stand on, but further realising the legal and psychic cost of further continuing their stonewall tactic of total obstructionism, the State of Arkansas leveraged their almost infinite capacity to further obstruct justice to broker a deal; in their terms, the criminal and judicial equivalent of a no-blame divorce, offering release the West Memphis Three immediately, re-sentencing all three men (boys, at the time) to time-served, conditional on all three (this is the Prisoner's Dilemna, writ large) entering in a guilty plea for the triple homicide of mutilated children everyone knows that they did not commit; thereby waiving any right to sue for damages or wrongful imprisonment, violation of the civil rights, the bringing of criminal complaints against individual officers or officials, and ensuring that the casefile closed in 1994 remained-so, and that State and county authorities would not once again have a 20 year old unsolved set of triple murders back in the slate, which they would be obliged to actively re-investigate, exposing them to risk of further exposure and outside scrutiny.

7 years is not a very long time to spend in prison for a crime that is clearly described in terms of being premeditated first degree murder.

Most murders that happen are committed by a family member, they occur in the home, and usually happen in the course of, or resulting from a backdrop of habitual abuse and domestic violence.

It's not domestic violence if you make your spouse journey out with you into the middle of the woods in the dead of night (which implies kidnap, or at least coercion to get them to go with you), and then bludgeon them to death in some sort of jealous fit.

That's the act of a psychopath, and nothing about this person's subsequent new life post-release suggests any hint of such an imbalance, both his brother, and the mother of his two year old child (who knew NOTHING of his previous conviction and incarceration in Latvia until after Arnis' own disappearance and death, first learning it from the ever-responsible and compassionate British Media) describing him, with obvious sincerity as both "a good man", and "a wonderful father".

If it's not yet obvious, I don't think he killed his wife, I think it's pretty clear that the Latvians (apart from the Witchy ex-mother-in-law) don't think that he killed his wife or anyone else (but are hand-tied in their ability to actually clearly say so), and I think that the Metropolitan Police and their crony tabloid fellow travelers know that too damn well, and are exploiting that gap of uncertainty to the hilt in order to craft their expertly framed and managed fit-up of a dead man with murky past that looks worse on paper.

Serious students of the Kennedy Assassination may note that one of the aspects that stands out most clearly from the record of the subsequent cover-up and how the whole matter was orchestrated from The Top after the fact, with the pieces being moved into position by any number of unseen hands is to listen to the tapes of FBI Director Hoover (33rd Degree Grand Inspector General in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Mother Supreme Council of the World, Abdullah of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) when he has to explain to President Lyndon Johnson (Blue Level Entered Apprentice, 1st Degree Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite, Johnson City, Tx Lodge No. 561) who exactly Jack Ruby (Blue Level Chicago Outfit Made-Guy, B'nai Brith) was.

The FBI, as Hoover was fond of reminding Martin King amongst others, is not a Police Force, does not prosecute criminals or groups, and had no military or paramilitary function (ignore Waco) - as befits an agency with such truly Masonic origins, they exist to gather information (admissible, and inadmissible in court), report gossip, start rumours, make cases, develop criminal intelligence (and counterintelligence) through a complex interlocking network of informants and (firstly, always and only) to get all the names.

Johnson, who to all practical intents and purposes, just like Winston Churchill, was a non-Mason, recognised the value, indeed the necessity of having a top Mason as his right-hand man if he ever hoped to govern the country in any real or meaningful sense - as he actually did say of Hoover in 1967, "I prefer not to have him be outside of the tent pissing in", knowing damn well that if you fired the top Mason in the country, that doesn't mean that he will actually go away or lose any influence, you've just kicked in a nest of hornets for no good reason and to no real benefit or advantage.

And besides - having well over a million American Masons that all want to be your friend is hardly a nuisance.

But how Brother Edgar explained Jack Ruby to Johnson, and who he was in life, without ever resorting  to cliché or innuendo speaks volumes for how these things actually work behind closed doors and strictly off the record, as every sincerely felt plot must be - "This man, Rubenstein, he's known to the Dallas Police, he's known to the authorities down there in Dallas... Street-fighter, he's a brawler, got a bad record...;"

Again, serious scholars of the Kennedy case and of Deep State politics will recall that Mr. Jack Rubenstein of Chicago was formally on record a full 15 years earlier as being an informant, a protected source, a friendly and highly accommodating witness not only to Hoover's FBI, but on a personal basis to Congressman Richard M. Nixon of California, who gratefully acknowledged the great value of his cooperation with the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) in exposing the extent of attempts at Communist infiltration and subversion of the Chicago Waste Handler's Union; Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pope John Paul I all had one trait in common, and that was their virulent anti-Masonry and recognition of the need to suppress it in all it's forms as rival, highly clandestine centre of wealth, power and intruige in their respective societies, and as such, Dick Nixon, Jack Ruby, Director Hoover and the Grand Wizard of the KKK were all on the same page - Omertà most certainly did not extend to Commies, and since their own respective understands of American values/the Mob Code of Ethics/Rabbinical Teachings/Bureau Standards of "Proper Conduct and Behaviour"/Klan self-image, to each of them exactly coincided with their own understanding of American Identity, to inform on a Red was an act of Patriotism - as the invasions of Sicily and the Domican Republic, and the attempted invasion of Cuba demonstrated absolutely beyond any doubt, the Mafia were absolutely falling over themselves, and overflowing with sheer enthusiasm at the prospect of working for Uncle Sam whenever the possibility arose to strike back and wage war upon the forces of World Anti-Masonry.

The late John Judge put it this way : "You can't have organised crime and organised policing exist together in the same society unless they're working together" - and that's exactly right, and the evidence is all around for all to see, it just rarely breaks cover, except when the strategic tension of fear (real or synthetic) of either real, imagined or falsified violence, or threat of same is required to place the masses of the populace back onto a defensive mental footing - Operation Chaos is what I am referring to, it's everywhere in the media, permeating the Zeitgeist and it's name is well-met.

But only really those of us who began refusing television, television news and free and national newspapers can see and recognise upon sight the interference patterns of the memes as they glide through the collective unconscious of our fellow citizens like a poorly-cloaked Rommulan Warbird, silent and armed to the fucking teeth, yet inelegant, clumsy and over-confident. 

In the Matrix, (Lu)Cypher studies the collective delusion of the Machines' simulated world from afar, one step dissociated from the "real world" experience and sensory perception of the unwoken masses of humanity by watching the code flood past his eyes on the screen, recognising the familiar and meaningful patterns of blondes, agents, redheads etc. by excluding all the extrainious and distracting data not relevant to his task that only can get in the way and divert him from the goal of his current tasks by testing his will, and obscuring from him his purpose for being there; this world at arm's length cannot hurt him, experienced in this way, so objectively and at a safe distance, but neither can it surprise him, enthrall him, or endanger him; and any man who would sell his own soul for a lifetime of imaginary steaks and pretend fine wines clearly has a deeply addictive personality, so perhaps that's really for the best, and he probably needs to start attending regular meetings, or have an intervention or two.

The point is, just because you don't immediately see it, doesn't mean it's not there, and isn't prepared to hurt you, lie to you, dispose of you, kill you or otherwise injure you, or your family, loved-ones, along with almost anyone and everyone it wants in order protect itself, it's privilage, it's footsoldiers and it's secrets.

Conspiracies, Secret Orders and Shadow Governments do exist, and impact every facet of all our daily lives, and that doesn't have to imply shape-shifting Lizard People, Jewish/Jesuit/Polish/Commie/Liberal plots for Mind War, Global Corporatism and World Governance (although all of those things do of course exist, and they do occur - just not always as-advertised or where and how you might expect...), paranoid delusions of mass hysteria or Lunar Denialism - just the simple, uncomplicated and uncontroversial premise that politicians will lie when they don't expect to get caught, those who covet power and influence over others have essentially self-serving motivational drives and that Scientists, Doctors, England Football Managers and Clergymen all live in mortal dread and secret dread of the thought of anyone outside of their own respective professions forming the opinion that they don't have a clue as to what he or she are doing, it's all just hot-air, waffle and a load of all bollocks that they just make up as they go along (just like the rest of us), they're just too proud to ask for (or indeed, accept) any help or assistance from any "non-experts", outside of the field, not properly credentialed and accredited with the proper pieces of paper from the correct institutions that they respect and defer and look up to.... Not realising ever that they defer and look up to these people because that's what underscores everything that they've ever been taught and matches precisely with everything they have been conditioned to think and accept, how they have been trained to reason and to think, the sorts of conclusions they have always been expected to reach, what they have been generally (and completely) been led to expect, and more pointedly, to accept, as well as the basic assumption that underline such standards of behaviour, thinking and public expressions of belief, conjecture and speculation.

Speaking very broadly, certain things are generally expected (and so reality will typically either conform, or be made to conform to those collective expectations, and likewise, certain ideas, concepts or schools of thought, are generally held to be either accepted, acceptable or unacceptable.

Of course, the fact that something is considered to be unacceptable does not mean that it is untrue, or not to be expected, and therefore allowed-for, with planning and preparation on the part of those affected (or afflicted) by that which is held to be generally unacceptable - for while it me be SOCIALLY unacceptable (more often referred to as being somehow "not appropriate", by way of euphemism), the fact that those aspects of reality either fall short or fail to achieve mass acceptance does not make them in any sense objectively less real or less true, or less affective (or effective) to those effected (or affected) by that reality or by the nature and character of those truths, they just fail to perceive (for they lack the capacity to make the connection in their understanding of the world between effect and cause.

The effect, they feel, because it is a visceral and immediate aspect of their perception, present or directly inferred within their sensory experience. But when the cause is unseen, un-guessed or unknown in their immediate perception of the world, it gets attributed instead to blind chance, pure happenstance or coincidence, that fallacious quality and aspect of nature that we call "Fate", or more pompously to the hopelessly self-deluded egomaniacs, "Destiny".

Yes, but what does that mean?

They have been combing every square area with dogs for over a month, looking for a corpse.

Now they find two. Within about 4 days.

To me that says those two corpses haven't been there very long.

Had they found "the murderer"'s body before that of "his victim", that creates a discontinuity in the narrative they are crafting, and introduces a credibility gap by reversing the chronology of the cause and effect relationship.

It injects into the narrative an embolism of doubt.

The reason they weren't finding the corpses for almost 5 whole weeks has a pretty obvious explanation.

They didn't find them because they weren't there.

And he has A NAME.

I know it's in the habit of all murderers to depersonalise and objectify their victims, but he isn't "the Easterner", and he isn't "The Latvian", he has a name.

His name is Arnis.

Notice how they have framed the picture to carefully hide the f*ck-off massive megalithic Sacren Stone just the other side of the gates, where both bodies appear to have (originally) been found.

Which is this, remember: 

Appendix I - BotWatch